Thursday, April 03, 2008

Plan B, also known as Two Hearts, just zipping along!

The Two Hearts wedding sampler is going amazingly fast! I've done a total of twelve hours so of those since Saturday. I had to take a break because of a migraine headache that knocked me out of commission for almost three days.

The main border is finished. I'm saving myself some time by not filling in the white in the heart border. It looks fine the way it is, and will look better once the backstitching is done.

A detail of the beads:

They're matte beads. I don't normally like those, but they're just right for this piece, I think. The white beads are "pearl".

All I have left is the "lace" border, backstitching, and the rest of the beading. I have a lot of time to myself this weekend, so I may get it done by Monday night.

The hardest part about this one will be placing the names and date properly.

I'm not so sad about not being able to finish The Bride now. This one is just right, and more personal. The Bride didn't have a space for names or dates.

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