Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's been a while...

...but I do have a finished piece to post! This is a card for Mother's Day:

The kit came from Cross Stitch Crazy (the butterfly and dragonfly stickers were mine). It took about three and a half hours to do.

I also beaded a bracelet:

That didn't take long, either. It matches the necklace I made for Christmas.

This cute kit came with U.K.'s Cross Stitcher:

It's going to be an anniversary gift for my sister and her husband. I've done about five hours already:


Zeb said...

Awww the kit and the card are adorable! I have the cats too and just need to get myself organised to stitch it :)

Lovely work! And yay for posts ^_^

KM said...

Thanks! Those cats are adorable. Margaret Sherry is one of my favorite designers!